In this site you can find information for me- Ivelin Pavlov .
From hobbies to work related issues. It is all about showing my skills to the world and present my simple answer for everything: Yes,I Can .
Here I will post some of my latest work: sites, programs, iPhone aplications and projects that I have taken part. My last project (before this site) was about Tic-Tac-Toe on C++. I have just wanted to know how long will take me to do that. It wasn't five minutes as I expected but you can find out all about it in Projects section.Games
Like every person I try to relax somehow and one of the ways to do that at home is by playing computer games. Sometimes I like to play Half Life for the crowded maps filled with raged people shooting all over the place. They just can’t stop dying when they face me. If you want to try me you can find where I play on Games page.Profile
On my Profile you can see all about my personal life that can be told on internet. I like movies, sports, house parties and so on.