Lines are represented by LineStrings. LineStrings are simple linear features constructed from a series of points joined by straight lines. Again there are two flavors - one with and one with . The second is the preferred one, but coordinates are still available for GML2 compatibility. Note that in coordinates the X and Y are separated by commas and the coordinates are separated by spaces. In a posList there is an attribute dimension which tells users how many elements there are to each point (that is: is it just X and Y or X, Y, Z) and then each number is separated by a space or a return.
<complexType name="LineStringType">
A LineString is a special curve that consists
of a single segment with linear interpolation.
It is defined by two or more coordinate tuples,
with linear interpolation between them.
It is backwards compatible with the LineString
of GML 2, GM_LineString of ISO 19107 is
implemented by LineStringSegment.
<extension base="gml:AbstractCurveType">
<choice minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element ref="gml:pos"/>
<element ref="gml:pointRep"/>
<element ref="gml:coord"/>
<element ref="gml:coordinates"/>