
League of Legends

Това е новата DOTA с още по големи възможности и сложност на игра.
Ето и какво представлява самата игра:
Имаш избор от около 40 геройчета. Много са забавни и добре нарисувани. Всеки герой има различни способности. Разбира се като стартираш имаш избор от около 10 геройчета. След като играеш събираш точки, за да си купиш с тях нови геройчета – по-силни или нещо друго. Играта е тип битка между отбори. Всеки отбор е от около 5 човека. В един отбор не може да има еднакви герои. Всички трябва да са различни. И така започва играта и целта е да разрушите базата на противника. Същевременно около вас търчат и някакви съществa. Едните се бият за вас, а другите за противниковия отбор. Който победи взема повече точки Много е забавна. Можеш да играеш и сам срещу компютъра.

Facebook страницата на играта за България може да намерите тук
Ето и сайта за регистрация: www.leagueoflegends.com
Играта e около 2 гигабайта. Приятна игра.

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Богат Татко, Беден Татко

„Богат Татко, Беден Татко“ е бест селър сред книгите, написана от Робърк Кийосаки.

Играта е лека и приятна и освен всичко те учи как да боравиш с пари и развива вашите финансови способности.

Poбърт Кийocаки учи xoрата да cтават милиoнери…
Затoва гo наричат учител в училищетo за милиoнери.

„Главната причина xoрата да имат финанcoви затруднения е, че те прекарват гoдини в училище, без да научат нищo за парите. Така те се научават как да рабoтят за пари…, нo не и как да накарат парите да рабoтят за тяx.“
Poбърт Кийocаки, автoр

„Бoгат таткo, беден таткo“
• Взривява мита, че трябва да имаш гoляма заплата, за да забoгатееш.
• Пocтавя пoд въпрoc cxващанетo, че coбcтвенoтo жилище е актив.
• Пoказва на рoдителите защo не мoгат да разчитат на училищетo да oграмoти децата им пo oтнoшение на парите.
• Дефинира веднъж завинаги каквo е актив и паcив.
• Показва ви каквo трябва да знаят децата ви за парите, за да имат финанcoв уcпеx в бъдеще.

„Бoгат таткo, беден таткo“ е oтправна тoчка за вcеки, кoйтo иcка да oвладее финанcoвoтo cи бъдеще.

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Heroes III

Heroes III

Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (also known as Heroes III or HoMM3) is a turn-based strategy game developed by New World Computing for Microsoft Windows and released by the 3DO Company in 1999. An Apple Macintosh port was released by 3DO, and a Linux port was released by Loki Software, both later that year. In 2000, a Gameboy Color port entitled Heroes of Might and Magic 2 was released and the Dreamcast port was cancelled. It is the third installment of the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The game’s story is first referenced throughout Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven and serves as a prequel to Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor. The player can choose to play through six different campaigns telling the story, or play in a scenario against computer or human opponents.

The gameplay is very similar to its predecessors in that the player controls a number of heroes that command an army of creatures inspired by myth and legend. The gameplay is divided into two parts, tactical overland exploration and a turn based combat system. The player creates an army by spending resources at one of the eight town types in the game. The hero will progress in experience by engaging in combat with enemy heroes and monsters. The conditions for victory vary depending on the map, including conquest of all enemies and towns, collection of a certain amount of a resource, or finding the grail artifact.

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Star Craft

star craft

StarCraft is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The first game of the StarCraft series was released for Microsoft Windows on 31 March 1998. With more than 11 million copies sold worldwide as of February 2009, it is one of the best-selling games for the personal computer. A Mac OS version was released in March 1999, and a Nintendo 64 adaptation co-developed with Mass Media Interactive Entertainment was released on 13 June 2000. With its storyline adapted and expanded through a series of novels, StarCraft has three expansion packs and a sequel in development, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty.

Set in the 26th century, the game revolves around three species fighting for dominance in a distant part of the Milky Way galaxy: the Terrans, humans exiled from Earth skilled at adapting to any situation; the Zerg, a race of insectoids in pursuit of genetic perfection obsessed with assimilating other races; and the Protoss, a humanoid species with advanced technology and psionic abilities attempting to preserve their civilization and strict philosophical way of living from the Zerg. The game has been praised for pioneering the use of unique factions in real-time strategy gameplay and for a compelling story.

Many of the industry’s journalists have praised StarCraft as one of the best and most important video games of all time, and for having raised the bar for developing real-time strategy games. StarCraft’s multiplayer is particularly popular in South Korea, where professional players and teams participate in matches, earn sponsorships, and compete in televised tournaments.

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Half Life

half life
Servers that I play:

  • DM -=Half Life Severian mod=-
  • .:: ZEEN ::.
  • .::BloodthirsT::. [BG] – Reloaded85.217.141.28:27015
  • NRP[Half-Life]#1
  • hL.bG-PrO.CoM
  • IvEtOo
  • ..::Half-Life Pr0. Bulgaria::..

Half-Life is a science fiction first-person shooter computer game series which consists of two full games, three episodic games, and three third-party made expansions, as well as a number of demos featuring exclusive content. The series has been ongoing since 1998. Most games and expansions in the series were developed by Valve Corporation and published by Sierra Studios, although some expansions were produced by Gearbox Software. Electronic Arts also took over distribution of the games in the series from Sierra from 2005 onwards. The series was initially released for the PC, but console ports of most installments have also been released. The main protagonist of the Half-Life series is Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist and employee of the Black Mesa Research Facility. All expansion packs for the original game feature playable characters other than Freeman.

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